Steps to writing a college essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Extra Cridets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Extra Cridets - Essay Example The code specifies that anybody infringing upon the law will be obligated to a fine of upto$500. The law influences people as in, they make them mindful of different walkers and drivers utilizing the read; consequently, guaranteeing that they shield them from any damage that may emerge from risky driving. The law influences the business in Indiana in a constructive route in that, on the off chance that individuals are not disregarding the law then it implies that individuals get to their work puts on schedule. In this way, these makes a beneficial financial society; thus, improving the business in Indiana. In the event that, an individual was blamed for disregarding the law the case would be a state case on the grounds that the infringement falls under the state laws of Indiana. The infringement would likewise fall under open law, as it is a criminal offense to disregard Indiana Code 9-21-8. As I would like to think, I think the resolution is a decent law since it guarantees driver know about the laws; along these lines, making them cautious about how they drive their vehicles. The law somewhat is powerful despite the fact that it has a few escape clauses, particularly in the Indiana Code 9-21-8-59 with regards to the appropriation or holding of the phone. This is on the grounds that other than messaging there are numerous things that one can do with their
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Establish your Building Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Set up your Building Business - Assignment Example Without question, the organization will have process streams speaking to how these tasks and workers interface with each to deliver a definitive help or item (Gainforte, 2010) As accomplices, we are going to set out desires, depend, progress the preparation time, and copy for development. We will likewise be required to have methodology reported. Sometimes, we will be required to have activities manual set up. This tasks manual will guarantee that clients have a similar encounter each time they experience with my organization. Then again the connection among intricacy and making arrangements for structures is something we won't neglect. We are going to fabricate an enormous a huge structure venture, where the strategic basic and the framework profoundly appropriated, the requirement for information modeler, foundation designer, business planner endeavor draftsman and arrangements engineer will emerge. To keep up the structure licenses it is significant that to consider having an admi nistrator set up (Yetton, 2010). The administrator ought to be remembered for the order of the structures the executives. It is imperative to ought to guarantee that the administrator is regarded and regarded by the board and the executives. In a perfect world, the activity of the board is to set down approaches, while the activity of the administration will embed those arrangements. The watch over occupation is to direct the structure staff, and report back to the administration. Moreover, for board to be fruitful, it should downplay its orders and strategy choices to permit their subordinates, to complete polices and systems that advantage the organization, yet additionally meet the structure strategies. Quality and control and security ought to likewise be significant worries for venture administrators. Imperfections in developed offices could prompt substantial expenses. All things being equal, with slight imperfections, this could prompt re-development and additionally the clos er of the office activity. Moreover, mishaps either lethal or not deadly may happen during development forms. It will be, in this way, foremost that I enlist venture chiefs who are profoundly qualified. The undertaking chiefs will guarantee that appropriate activity in done, and that no mishaps happen in the development procedure (Yetton, 2010). So as to keep and keep up the business and building licenses, I will be required to enlist examiners and quality affirmation work force. There employment will investigate tests of materials in specific labs to guarantee adherence to administrative necessities (Gainforte, 2010). It will be my incredible worry that I guarantee the contractual workers I will recruit in my organization, will b aware of these norms. I will likewise guarantee that I energize quality control among workers, as well. As a contractual worker, my organization will be liable for all wellbeing site tasks, as per the particulars of the agreement. Sufficient preparing of w orkers is something I will guarantee is watched with the goal that the representatives can execute their specific obligations property. In the wake of being prompted by my monetary counsels, I supported a business that will be claimed and worked more than person. So, I chose to structure the business as an association. All things considered, I made due with general association, whereupon the accomplices will deal with the organization and bear obligation duties of the organization. I made due with organization business structure as a result of the expense treatment related with it. In a perfect world,
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for OCD Treatment
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for OCD Treatment OCD Treatment Print Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for OCD Treatment By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 19, 2019 Monty Rakusen / Getty Images More in OCD Treatment Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Types Living With OCD Related Conditions Although there are currently a number of effective medical and psychological treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), if you have treatment-resistant OCD you may be looking for new ways to treat your symptoms. Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, has received considerable attention as a possible alternative treatment to reduce OCD symptoms. Although first developed nearly 30 years ago as a tool to treat major depression, TMS has now been widely investigated for effectiveness in treating a variety of mental illnesses. The two types commonly used for mental illness are repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS). Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Repetitive TMS is the predecessor to dTMS and is a relatively non-invasive procedure that involves placing a small device directly on the skull. This sealed device contains a coil of wire that carries electricity through the magnetic field that it generates. Its called repetitive because it pulses rather than remaining steady. The flow of electricity through the device stimulates cells in the brain called neurons, changing their activity levels. The activity level of neurons has been linked to symptoms of mental illness, like OCD. How many rTMS treatments you would need depends on the treatment protocol, and would be discussed by you and your doctor prior to starting your treatment. While there have been some reports of rTMS being effective in reducing OCD symptoms, the majority of research findings indicate that rTMS is not effective in reducing OCD symptoms alone or in combination with medication. Repetitive TMS may indirectly improve the psychological well-being of people coping with OCD by reducing the symptoms of depression that often go along with OCD. Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Like rTMS, deep transcranial magnetic stimulation also uses a coil placed directly on the skull, which creates a magnetic field penetrating the brain. The biggest difference between the two types is that the coil used with dTMS, called an H-coil, allows the pulse to penetrate more deeply into the brain. Deep TMS is showing a lot of potential over rTMS in treating mental illness. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved both rTMS and dTMS for the treatment of major depressive disorder and studies are being done on their efficacy for OCD and other mental illnesses, like bipolar disorder, as well. Deep TMS might have the most to offer in cases where OCD is difficult to treat. One study showed that people with treatment-resistant OCD who received dTMs had significant improvements in their symptoms. The results were steady for three months. Potential Side Effects TMS is generally considered safe when used in accordance with established guidelines. After undergoing TMS, you may have headaches, feel sleepy, and experience other mild, short-term symptoms. Epileptic seizures are a more serious, although rare, side effect of rTMS. Although TMS for OCD has been looked at in a number of studies, the stimulation parameters used, the brain areas targeted, and the length of treatment has varied from study to study, making it difficult to compare results. While research continues to look at the effect of TMS on OCD, a standard protocol will help researchers determine the effectiveness of rTMS for OCD more conclusively.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Pestle Analysis Is A Management Tool - 1890 Words
P2E2STLE ANALYSIS: According to the Cambridge Dictionaries, PESTLE analysis is a management tool that analyzes the effects of any challenges as well as strategies for the business but deals with outside factors. This tools only used by the macro environment of which it doesn’t have any full control but rather influences the challenges. Another definition for PESTLE according to the Business Studies Grade 12: a PESTLE analysis is a tool used to evaluate the macro environment to see potential threats to the business or opportunities to strengthen the competitive advantage. Each letter of the P2E2STLE stands for: Political, Physical, Ethical, Economic, Social, Technology, Legislation and Environmental. POLITICAL FACTORS: Political factors are the external constrain on businesses (these influences are from the outside organisation in control) some political factors are from the government activities. ( CHALLANGES: ïÆ'Ëœ According to Mr Price fashion blog â€Å"In the Loop’ Mr Price has over 100 000 customers purchase their items daily both online and visiting the various Mr Price clothing branches. This indicates that they have more and more consumers that purchase from them regularly because of their affordable prices and always up to date with the latest fashion trends. It is well known that this clothing store imports all stock and merchandise from China (south Africa-china textile quotas: recent developments and trade prospects) and they are still supportedShow MoreRelatedSwot and Pestle1359 Words  | 6 PagesSWOT PESTLE Analysis SWOT and Pestle analysis is a strategic analysis tool that feeds important information into the business strategy formulation process. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT is used to determine the current position of an organization. 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However, this can prove a difficult strategy if all functional levelsRead MoreSwot And Analytical Tools : Business Analysis Tools1040 Words  | 5 Pages INTERGRATED AND ANALYTICAL TOOLS Pranit Pravinesh Singh Student ID # 204336036 November 29, 2015 Colorado Technical University â€Æ' INTERGRATED AND ANALYTICAL TOOLS Business analysis tools are different techniques investors use to assess a company’s operations. In most cases, the purpose of the analysis is to determine how effective or efficient a company is in the overall market locally, nationally and globally. A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part ofRead MorePestle Analysis4773 Words  | 20 PagesPESTLE Analysis Strategy Skills Team FME ISBN 978-1-62620-998-5 Copyright Notice  © 2013. All Rights Reserved ISBN 978-1-62620-998-5 The material contained within this electronic publication is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and treaties, and as such any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is strictly prohibited. You may not copy, forward, or transfer this publication or any part of itRead MoreMicro And Macro Environment Of The Company1590 Words  | 7 PagesProject Management Introduction There are many different types of analysis a company should look at when considering a new project, the more you look into the business environment for your company the better equipped you will be to bring forward a project that will be successful, in this section we’ll be looking at the micro and macro environment of the company through pestle and porters five forces. Also looking at why robust information and research is important how stakeholder analysis worksRead MoreStrategic Analysis and Strategic Management900 Words  | 4 Pages Explain why strategic analysis is necessary in the process of developing an appropriate strategy. Identify tools that are available to examine the external environment and discuss how and why they are used. Introduction Strategy is a high level plan in which to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. It is very important because resources available to achieve these goals are usually limited. Strategy is often the difference between mediocrityRead MoreBusiness Analysis : Jd s Graphics Design1259 Words  | 6 Pagesof the firm, results will be used for business decisions, future growth and planning. Part two will take us through how we will implement the changes, possible systems and data collection program changes, forecasting the future, and statistical analysis of our results as they show improvements to previous decisions. Benefits and Disadvantages In order to make better, smarter business decisions the use of BA is a smart move for the firm. Managers will gain a better understanding of the functionalityRead MorePrinciples of Management POLC Model1222 Words  | 5 PagesPrinciples of Management Mason Carpenter, Talya Bauer, and Berrin Erdogan Chapter 5 Strategizing ï ¶ See how strategy fits in the P-O-L-C framework ï ¶ Better understand where strategy comes from ï ¶ Understand the concept of strategic focus ï ¶ Conduct internal analysis to develop strategy ï ¶ Conduct external analysis to develop strategy ï ¶ Formulating organizational and personal strategy with the strategy diamond  © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation Understand How Strategy Fits
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying Tips
Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying Tips There are lots of concerns that you can have the ability to write in school when you're supplied a simple job to manage. About this phenomenon started talking at the start of the previous century abroad. Lots of people are so troubled on the psychological grounds they have a tendency to complete their life always. So as to control the amount of the problem, various men and women are poisoned up to now in the instance of cyberbullying. If you select a terrible title, it is going to be very challenging for you to convincingly write a very good paper. Don't forget to utilize English skillfully and you've got time to prepare ahead of time so you're going to be in a position to show off the English skills you've got. College students who do not compose their college essays in time can seek College essay writing assistance from Students Assignment Help also. You should use standard English because it's widely accepted whether it's spo ken or written. Persuasive writing can be hard, particularly when you're made to face with a close-minded audience. Before you commence writing any paper for this matter, you've got to consider the title which you will use. The increasing number of essay writing services is totally overwhelming. It is a necessity in any sort of writing. Whatever They Told You About Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Students rarely report being abused on the web, mostly since they realize that their parents and teachers wouldn't help them. Parents should speak to kids about drugs at a youthful age. They also seem to lack understanding of how detrimental cyberbullying may be for their children's health and do not know how to support them. Parents of bullies should need to pay a fine. The Chronicles of Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying Bullying often tends to happen because of power and strength, the simple fact that one is alone can indicate this man is lonely and does not have any power. Because of this it's really difficult to reduce bullying because of not having information of where it originated. Bullying is a practice that results in lowering somebody's self-esteem and self-worth and might have extreme psychological effects like depression and suicidal tendencies. A minumum of one parent should work at home. New Ideas Into Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying Never Before Revealed School should happen in the evenings. Year round school isn't a good idea. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. The students should comprehend the issue. New Questions About Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying It is a rather sad scenario where a teenager commits suicide merely to break free from fellow teenagers who only refuse to leave her or him alone. Intervene once you can when you find the signs, and you might save your student or child a lot of distress, and perhaps even their life. The victims, on the f lip side, should always seek the help they require and the help that's offered to them, to avoid anything of further danger to occur in the future. As a consequence, he or she may end up taking his or her life just to make the feelings bubbling inside them stop. There's no overall profile of an individual involved with bullying. The chief reasons for bullying are largely psychological. Another technique to quit bullying from happening is to steer clear of loneliness a good deal. These problems should concentrate on bystanders specifically, because rather often they don't do anything to stop or stop bullying when they witness it ( Hitting someone produces a bully feel good. Bullying often requires a toll on the victim in a range of means. It must not be taken lightly in the society as it may be catastrophic not only for the victim but for the people around them as well. Bullying is among the principal reasons for the large school murders. What About Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying? When you've written your speech, make certain to have prepared and practiced well. You're able to write down questions you want to ask before you start the speech. Cyber bullying is considered when one threatens, harass or embarrass a particular target by employing internet, cellphones and other technology, due to numerous young children and teenagers staying in full contact with social media, they have an inclination to be the ones involved with cyber bullying the majority of the time. For instance, You won't understand when the bully will quit calling you names etc.. What You Can Do About Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying Starting in the Next 10 Minutes The given persuasive essay example on Cyber Bullying is going to assist you in understanding the comprehensive procedure of writing a persuasive essay on several topics. An essay on bullying could have several categories. It is not limited to defining the term. Your essay on bullying can be dealt with in numerous ways. The Upside to Persuasive Essay Samples about Bullying Read the review of to make sure this writing service is among the best on the internet within this area and learn what criteria should be utilized in its evaluation. These articles are great for defining a call to action. If you would like to get high high quality research and thesis papers in time and for an affordable price, you should probably try out using At the exact same time, the research on the subject of the essay also needs to be carried out in a professional way. Learn from the experience and apply the feedback to earn the next essay even better. For instance, if you're given with cyber security essay topics research work is needed to complete such essays by employing relevant examples linked to your opinion on the subject. The tone is also important because the objective of the author is to demonstrate understanding of the problem and attention about the victims and individuals who might be bullied, especially in school and societal settings. One of the major elements that you will need to concentrate on is how to do some fantastic research.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Air Pollution. What is it Free Essays
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. We will write a custom essay sample on Air Pollution. What is it? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases, which can be fatal. Conservation of our environment has been a topic of discussion and concern to many leaders around the world throughout history. There is every need and reason for human beings to talk of the environment since the life wholly depends of the ability of the environment to support it without any threat. As a result, the fight against environmental pollution is still a challenge in both developed and developing countries. This aimed at having safe and sustainable water, air and soil among other natural resources. Of great concern has been air pollution. What is air pollution? This can be simply described as the introduction of harmful materials into the atmosphere which cause harm to human beings and other living things. The question has always been the understanding of the causes of the causes of air pollution without addressing relevant control measures. Air pollution is mainly caused by exhaust gases from cars, burning of low-quality coal for heating and uncontrolled factory releases. Ownership and use of cars and other automobiles has been considered as one of the greatest developments in the transport industry. Although cars are a luxury in life, many people have never given a thought to the harm they have on the environment. Research has revealed that exhaust gases from cars contribute significantly to air pollution in the world today. How exactly does this occur? It is important to mention that exhaust from cars, trucks and other engines release harmful gases to the atmosphere which severely affect life on earth. Common and dangerous gases emitted in the atmosphere include but not limited to carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide. Nevertheless, the process of emission has never been understood by many people who do understand air pollution. While the levels of these emissions ay seem minute and negligible, many lives continue to suffer. Global warming which is a worldwide scourge mainly emanates from high levels of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. Accumulation of this gas in the atmosphere causes pores in the ozone layer, allowing the penetration of dangerous rays to the earth surface. It is painful to mention that most of the cancer related infections affecting the current generation are highly brought ab out by global warming. How economical and healthy would life be without it! In addition, Carbon monoxide causes respiratory problems in human beings. High levels of this gas inhibit proper breathing which may lead to suffocation and eventually death. Air pollution is also caused by burning of low-quality coal for heating. The use of low-quality coal and petroleum products threatens the safety and quality of air. When this type of coal is burnt, cases such as carbon dioxide are released to the atmosphere causing extremely severe effects to the environment. This has been on the increase due to ever growing demand for coal as the main source of energy and its fair availability. Carbon dioxide combines with oxygen and atmospheric water vapor to form a weak carbonic acid. This means that air becomes concentrated with the acid. During the process of rain formation this acid reaches the earth surface in the form acid rain which has countless effects. Acid rain is corrosive and affects plants and animals. This corrosion causes skin cancer and scorches plants. Acid rain also destroys metals and iron sheets used for roofing. Uncontrolled industrial emissions is another cause if air pollution. This has remained a thorn in the flesh of many leaders especially those from industrialized nations. Untreated gaseous releases to the atmosphere do more harm than good to people. Gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide contribute to thousands of health and environmental problems. Like Carbon dioxide, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen also lead to the formation of acid rain which later reaches the earth surface resulting to corrosion, destruction of crops on farms and cancer related infections among others. It is obvious that the world has to do something to salvage the atmosphere from pollution. Use of refined and good uality can help in cutting down the emission of dangerous gaseous materials in air. Finally, leaders need to formulate policies which control the amount of industrial waste released in the atmosphere. These are just but among numerous solutions towards air pollution. Nevertheless, exhaust gases from cars, burning of low-quality coal for heating and uncontrolled factory releases remain key causes of air pollution. Exposure to air pollution is associat ed with numerous effects on human health, including pulmonary, cardiac, vascular, and neurological impairments. The health effects vary greatly from person to person. High-risk groups such as the elderly, infants, pregnant women, and sufferers from chronic heart and lung diseases are more susceptible to air pollution. Children are at greater risk because they are generally more active outdoors and their lungs are still developing. Exposure to air pollution can cause both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) health effects. Acute effects are usually immediate and often reversible when exposure to the pollutant ends. Some acute health effects include eye irritation, headaches, and nausea. Chronic effects are usually not immediate and tend not to be reversible when exposure to the pollutant ends. Some chronic health effects include decreased lung capacity and lung cancer resulting from long-term exposure to toxic air pollutants. The scientific techniques for assessing health impacts of air pollution include air pollutant monitoring, exposure assessment, dosimetry , toxicology, and epidemiology. Although in humans pollutants can affect the skin, eyes and other body systems, they affect primarily the respiratory system. Air is breathed in through the nose, which acts as the primary filtering system of the body. The small hairs and the warm, humid conditions in the nose effectively remove the larger pollutant particles. The air then passes through the pharynx, esophagus, and larynx before reaching the top of the trachea. The trachea divides into two parts, the left and the right bronchi. Each bronchi subdivides into increasingly smaller compartments. The smallest compartments of the bronchi are called bronchioles, which contain millions of air sacs called alveoli. Together, the bronchioles and alveoli make up the lungs. Both gaseous and particulate air pollutants can have negative effects on the lungs. Solid particles can settle on the walls of the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. Most of these particles are removed from the lungs through the cleansing (sweeping) action of â€Å"cilia†, small hair-like outgrowths of cells, located on the walls of the lungs. This is what occurs when you cough or sneeze. A cough or sneeze transports the particles to the mouth. The particles are removed subsequently from the body when they are swallowed or expelled. However, extremely small particles may reach the alveoli, where it takes weeks, months, or even years for the body to remove the particles. Gaseous air pollutants may also affect the function of the lungs by slowing the action of the cilia. Continuous breathing of polluted air can slow the normal cleansing action of the lungs and result in more particles reaching the lower portions of the lung. Briefly there are three main principle strategies to solve the air pollution problem which can be categorized as energy efficiency ,reduce waste and move to non-polluting renewable of energy production. In the first place and as the simplest strategy, reducing waste can be considered. Waste products increasing day by day and they have the effect of air pollution highly. If people care to reduce waste, the problem can be solved. To begin with, people choose eco-friendly product instead of non-environmentally friendly product such as handcraft products, paper bags and notebook. Therefore they can reduce waste. Secondly people can use hybrid cars and they can become prevalent using hybrid cars. This will not only increase waste of environment but also people attend to protect nature. Finally we can recycle our products. We are grouping in the form of waste such as glass, plastic, paper. We send them to recycling. In this way we reduce waste. This in three ways, we reduce waste so we can prevent the speared of air pollution. As previously stated, the second way to deal with air pollution crisis can be solved energy efficiency. People prevent unnecessary gas emissions by using energy efficiency. If they provide energy efficiency, they can reduce using fossil fuels so that they can prevent air pollution. First of all, people can benefit from sunshine. They can install solar-powered appliances in their home and job. By doing this , they can have a very large economic saving. The energy savings in a home and job reduce energy consumption. For example, they use combining insulation, high R-value windows, weather sealing, efficient hot water heating and other that minimize energy use. Thanks to energy efficiency , they expect to see lower energy bills and lower water bills. People can be save energy with some steps. To illustrate, they can check their windows for cracks and breaks in the seals but its long way to savings energy. Another step is adjust their thermostat before going to sleep. By doing this, their thermostat doesn’t work for hours. It is only working set hours. Secondly using time efficiency is another part of energy savings. For example the sun heats day time but it coals at night so they must use thermostat for to heat their house. This is very expensive for them. Therefore if they set up their time, they can use energy much longer and they will not have to use the thermostat. Finally people can establish organization to direct people to use energy efficiently or can support existing organizations. Actually we have very important organizations that inform to people about energy efficiency. These organizations are doing very important things. We can give them at least moral and financial support by joining them. Thus we can provide energy efficiency. By this ways, people can prevent a lot of elements of polluting the environment by using energy efficiency and they would avoid breathing polluted air. The third way to move non-polluting renewable of energy production. Currently widely used in fossil fuels run out and fossil fuels pollutes the air too much. Therefore people tend to non-polluting renewable energy production such as wind, water , and sun beat. Wind power is very important source for generating electricity. According to Jacobson, the important way to improve energy security, mitigate reduce the number of death caused by air pollution to storm and bluster in the wind. It is very cheap than nuclear power plant and fossil fuels and it is cleaning. Another part of non-polluting renewable product is water rippling is another important way to product energy without polluting air. If government establish baraj, they can provide electricity for people. It is effective way to protect air pollution to people. Actually this way has been used worldwide for a long time to generate huge amounts of power from water stored. In this ways, people save energy as well as they protect nature and they don’t pollute the air. They would do something that does not harm for humans. To sum up, reduce waste, energy efficiency and move to non-polluting renewable of energy productivity are the three main ways to solve air pollution problem. Reduce waste is the easiest way to solve air pollution because it needs much less labor work than the other ways but it will be satisfied for to cleaning environment. Energy efficiency is the best way to solve air pollution because of helping by whole people that they can help and support energy efficiency. Because energy efficiency save both the environment and their money and move to non-polluting renewable of energy production is still the most difficult way to solve air pollution. The information show that people pay more attention to this issue every day and science and technology is developing rapidly people believe that experts will solve the problem. We should give more effort to solve this problem until that day. How to cite Air Pollution. What is it?, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Odyssey free essay sample
Apart from Him, we are nothing. We cannot do the things we thought we can’t do without Him. There are times that we forget to thank Him for all the things that He did for us. Same as through what happened to Odysseus, he did not thanked Poseidon for helping him to win the Trojan War. So, Poseidon gave him punishment. But the punishment was not really a punishment; it was a realization for him that he can’t do all things by himself. If we fail to thank him, He still never leaves us. He still accepts us for we are just human beings, imperfect and entitled to make mistakes.He’s just somewhere out there watching us and letting us do the things on our own so that if we fail, we can learn to make our failure our inspiration or experience so the next time we do something, we can succeed and overcome the impediments that we are facing. We will write a custom essay sample on The Odyssey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"Learn how to control your anger. †This is what Odysseus said to his son, Telemachus, when he was challenged by the suitor of his mother (Penelope) to attack him in their duel. This is also one of the statements of Odysseus that was echoing on my mind. The Odyssey free essay sample The passage that Homer exquisitely wrote in The Odyssey was in Book 5, lines 309-323. Homers techniques established an image that could never be forgotten. In this passage, Odysseus was being dragged down to the sea by Poseidon. The sea god was furious that all the other gods were in his favor. Odysseus talked to himself and wondered out loud, Rag of man that I am, is this the end of me? (V, 309) Irony was a method Homer utilized to convey the message of helplessness. Odysseus has used trickery and deception during his Journey. The sneaky hero went under disguise as a beggar with rags. The great, humble man categorized himself to the lowest position. Its intriguing when Odysseus seems to regret and reflect about the past- lucky those Danaans were who perished should have had a soldiers burial and praise from the Akhaians-not this choking waiting for me at sea, unmarked and lonely. We will write a custom essay sample on The Odyssey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (V, 316-323) Odysseus doesnt seem to be afraid of death. He does not ask for Poseidons forgiveness. The only thing he regrets the most is being unable to be recognized for his accomplishments. Usually, Odysseus is the victor of his odyssey. Now, he has lost control to the waters. To exemplify the mood, Homer inserted caesuras. The section Would God l, too, had died there-met my end (V, 317) is heart-wrenching. When I read this sentence, I had to hold my breath for the long pause. Odysseus sounded as if he was reflecting what could have been in a different scenario. Another event that was potentially touching was in Book 23, lines 258-264. The passage wasnt sappy. Penelope was filled with suspense after dealing with the foolish suitors in the past. She said, mfou make my stiff heart know that I am yours. (XXIII, 258) It wasnt her fault she could not trust Odysseus at first. When she had an epiphany and trusted Odysseus, they melted into each others arms. Their longing for each other had been quenched at last. Homer provided a brief recap of Odysseus adventures preceding his arrival in Ithaka- a swimmer spent in rough water where his ship went down under Poseidons blows, gale winds and tons of sea. (XXIII, 263-266) Although this passage was relieving, the passage where Odysseus was in a errifying situation had more zest. This piece had Odysseus at his weakest. He was on his own, worried about not being found. While Odysseus contemplated, there were no gods present to assist him yet; he would have to use his clever abilities to think of a way to survive. Although its common to find instances where Odysseus is the supreme leader and in control, its rare to see Odysseus break down. Odysseus broke away from his impassive armor in both passages. However, when Odysseus is alone, the reader truly understands Odysseus true self. Odysseus reflection (V, 309-323) included a major theme of The Odyssey- loneliness. Each character had a need for others and a home. Penelope cried over her missing husband, Telemakhos has only heard of the great legends of his father, and Odysseus mother died because of her son. Mortals are not the only group that can feel forsaken or alone. Gods/immortals can feel that way, too. Calypso, the sea nymph, was furious at the gods for taking away Odysseus from her. She claimed it not to be fair- Oh you vile gods, in Jealous sepernal! You nate It wnen we cnoose to Ile wltn men ( 24-125) It seems as IT Odysseus is the missing piece to everyones problems. The theme of loneliness extracts another major matter-endurance. Odysseus proved himself to be a brave warrior of surviving his loneliness. Penelope endured the suitors aggravating stay. Telemakhos had not faced any major hardships, but he did survive without a father. Odysseus has iron determination. Odysseus perseverance that came after a near- death experience of chilling loneliness helped him return to Ithaka and reunite with his loved ones. The Odyssey free essay sample These strong female characters exercise emotional, as well as physical control over their male counterparts, a ND oftentimes use their feminine qualities to disguise their true motives. In fact, the female characters had been in control long before the end Of , and subtly influenced the plotting throughout the entire epic. This is particularly n detectable in the Tallahatchie, with Penelope treatment of the suitors. She tells the suitors the at once she has completed weaving a shroud for Odysseus father, she will remarry however t he text states that, everyday she wove on the great loom but every night by torchlight she now e it (2:1121 13).Despite her subordinate role as a woman, Penelope puts herself in charge of her own fate. Penelope weaves to determine her identity and her fate, it is metaphorically a representation of her manipulation of the suitors, and of her wavering mindset. She clutches on to the idea that Odysseus will return home to Ithaca, butte she is not confident enough to el t the suitors slip Rossi away from her grasp. We will write a custom essay sample on The Odyssey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The concept of weaving connects to Helen of Troy who wove the events of the Trojan war, depicting her identity, and Athena who is in fact the goddess o f weaving.In this ease, Penelope is able to disguise her unfinished shroud as a womanly wean sees, when actually .. . The weaving represents female cunning and empowerment. Like Circe and Helena, Penelope commands and controls her enchanted flock (Van One, 16). Through this simple deceitful act of weaving and unwavering the shroud, Panel pop gains the upper hand, She is not victimized by the suitors, nor is she pining away of r Odysseus. She is in a position of power and control. (Clayton, 106). Though she remains loyal t o her husband, she asserts her independence, refusing to allow her every action to be driven y the absence of her husband. Yet she is not intimidated by the suitors forceful and aggressive attempts to win over her hand in marriage. Although, she does allows herself to indulge in the e attention of the suitors without committing infidelity, that is. And while her willingness to seed CE and entice the suitors is often viewed as a promiscuous and unfavorable quality, Penelope s succumbing to the flirtations of the suitors still do not even compare to the adultery committed by Odysseus. Twenty years they spent apart from one another, and obviously there was et mutation to pursue other people.Odysseus gave into the temptation several times with Circe and especially Cal hypos with whom he had an affair with for seven years. In Book V of , Calypso addresses the double standards that exist between men and women in reference to apology moms love when she says, And so when Demeter the graceful one with lovely braids gave way to her passion and made with Jason, bedding down in a furrow plowed three times Zeus got win d of it soon enough, Id say, and blasted the man to death with flashing bulbs (5: 138142).Essentially Rossi Calypso is saying that the female goddesses are castigated and shamed when hey pursue mortal men, while the gods are can have sexual relations with mortal women without t any negative consequences. Even when the relations between a god and mortal woman ca n be construed as rape, the gods do not receive any type of punishment or poor reputation. HTH s, it is not at all fair that Penelope is castigated for simply allowing suitors to admire her and seed CE her.In a way, by being involved with the suitors Penelope is challenging the double standards, and leveling out the playing field between herself and Odysseus. Clearly Penelope has been tempted to pursue the suitors further, and yet she s able to hold back and restrain herself from being unfaithful to her husband. In Odds sees absence, she resorts to both deception and self deception, just as Odysseus does. She hold s onto her basic self to her symbolic and imaginary constitution, by both subjective and interstate active dissimulation. But she goes about this in a more controlled, careful, and subconscious way t Han Odysseus. She survives not by tricks or cleverness, but by a patient and difficult mixture of SE If control and self denial, (Van One, 17). Basically, Penelope is better at controlling her urges, ND delaying gratification, also she does not stray far from her moral compass, which show s that she sis stronger person than Odysseus, and therefore making her more powerful, an d capable of manipulation. In addition to Penelope, Athena proves herself to be in control during the .NET re epic, and even at the status of a goddess, is compelled to mask her true identity and into mentions.Athena never ceases to aid Odysseus and save him from harm and not only does SSH e launch the narrative, she steers it as well, remaining in control of the plot throughout the poem, up to and including its conclusion (Clayton, 25). Without Athena, Odysseus would never re have returned Rossi to Ithaca, she is the sole reason he managed to survive. More often than not however, Athena must disguises herself as a man in ord er to accomplish her goals. Were she to appear before powerful people as a woman she would be ridiculed.She does however ape AR as woman a few times during the poem but each time it is strategic. For instance, Athena AP pears in Nauseas dream as a woman who encourages Unusual to wash her clothes so that she i s more desirable for marriage. It is evident, that Athena uses her femininity to appeal to Nauseas girlish desire for marriage. In addition, Athena also appears before Odysseus as a young girl did erecting him to the castle of the Phoenicians. In this case, Athena is playing up the innocence and gentle tendencies of young girls, so that Odysseus will trust her directions.In addition, it is striking that Athena goes up against Poseidon, a god of great power, In her undying quest to save Odysseus. Poseidon has abhorred Odysseus, cause Eng him misery and misfortune ever since Odysseus blinded the Cyclops, Poseidon son. Athena however, ignores the wrath of Poseidon and continues to help Odysseus, convincing the other g odds that Odysseus must be released from Calypso. Her actions show how strong willed she is, an d show that she has more influence on Met. Olympus, than Poseidon.Yet Athena is not even the e only goddess who defies Poseidon, and instead helps Odysseus, for the immortal Ion also s eaves Odysseus from perishing in Poseidon wrath when she offers Odysseus a veil which will proto etc him from the tumultuous sea, (5:381385). Here, Ion is yet another example of a woman do initiating a situation in spite of her subordinate role and expectations. As The Odyssey comes to a close, and Odysseus finally returns home, both Pee Nellie and Athena are in control of the entire situation, and practically determine the fat e of their male counterparts. However, Odysseus believes that it is he who is dominating the situation. Athena Rossi exercises her power and control over the situations when she condemns each and every suitor to death. Odysseus wants to spare a fair, and deserving suitors life and tries to warn him of the upcoming danger, but not even so could he escape his fate. Even then Athena a had bound him fast to death at the hands of prince Telemeters and his spear, (1 8: 1761 78). Stereotypically, females are more forgiving and merciful, whereas men are more unsympathetic tic and harsh.The fact that Athena is the one delivering such harsh punishment goes against all feminine ideals, and yet proves how powerful she truly is. Penelope too proves to be extremely influential and powerful during the close Eng scenes of the poem, she shows her strength, rectitude, and grace when the suitors become me malicious. From early on in the poem the suitors have been plotting against Telemeters, and ear the end of the epic Penelope finally lashes out against the suitors and says, You Mutinous! Vi Lent, vicious, scheming, you, they say are the best man your age in Ithaca, best for eloquent CE, counsel.Youre nothing of the sort! (1 6: 463465). Here, Penelope true temperament and me actions show, she is no longer hiding behind her weaving and coy flirtations. Her clear and bark Eng words against Mutinous show Penelope strength and confidence, and also her protective our gees towards her son. In no way are the suitors in control of Penelope, it is clear that she holds al the power. When Odysseus finally reaches Ithaca, Penelope does not simply fall at his fee t, but instead is clever and prudent about the return of her husband, testing his intent gritty.When Odysseus enters his home disguised as a beggar, Penelope questions the truth h behind his words, which is similar to the The queen Art?s first en counter with Odysseus, Both Aerate and Penelope demonstrate their cleverness by testing Odysseus before declaring themselves his allies: Aerate questions him about the clothing he is wearing, which she recon sizes as coming Rossi room her household, and Penelope questions the beggar about the clothing worn by Odysseus on his way to Troy (19. 161 8), (Doherty 173 ). Penelope wants to determine whether this beggar has innocuous intentions and speaks truthfully of his identity, before s he allows herself to become vulnerable to him. Later, when Penelope discovers that the beggar is actually Odysseus in disguise, she remains guarded. As a powerful woman, in the presence of SE verbal men, she is reluctant to release her grip on control. Penelope was not easily fooled and in existed on slyly jesting Odysseus yet again.She asks her maidservant to bring out her bed, w which only Odysseus knows is rooted into the ground, and only when Odysseus claims that the bed is unmovable, does Penelope release her grip on control. By testing and doubting Odysseus as h e offers himself to his wife after twenty years, Penelope authority and control over her husband d are evident. Ultimately, the female roles prove to be vital in the development and success of Odysseus journey. Without Penelope, Athena, Aerate, or Ion, there would never r have been a homecoming for Odysseus.
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